
ModifiedGoogleCameraappbyArnova8G2.,GCam-Arnova8G2'sGoogleCameraport1.5.190418.1850build-6.1.021(READNOTES)APKDownloadbyArnova8G2-APKMirrorFreeandsafeAndroidAPKdownloads.,I'mhappywithastableOOScamerav1.5,becauseIuseitasastablecounterpartofacamera,asIusethebetterGooglecameramostofthetimefortaking ...,Onthispage,wewillprovideGoogleCameraAPKdownloadlinksforallcompatibleNokiaSmartphonesincludingth...

Arnova8G2 GCam APKs

Modified Google Camera app by Arnova8G2.

Arnova8G2's Google Camera port 1.5.190418.1850build

GCam - Arnova8G2's Google Camera port 1.5.190418.1850build-6.1.021 (READ NOTES) APK Download by Arnova8G2 - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads.

Camera ver 1.5.0

I'm happy with a stable OOS camera v1.5, because I use it as a stable counterpart of a camera, as I use the better Google camera most of the time for taking ...

Download Google Camera APK for all Nokia Smartphones

On this page, we will provide Google Camera APK download links for all compatible Nokia Smartphones including the latest Nokia 3.4, Nokia 5.4, Nokia 5.3, ...

GCam 1.5.190418.1850build-6.1.021 (45790636) (Arm64

Download GCam - Arnova8G2s Google Camera Port 1.5.190418.1850build-6.1.021 (45790636) (Arm64-v8a) Apk for android from a2zapk with direct link.

Google Camera By Parrot043

2022年2月2日 — hi, under Arrows 12.1 lavender version 1.5 Cupcake crash using front camera and I see black screen rear camera. Any suggestions or workaround?


1.5 影像拍攝位置Image Location; 1.6 慢動作Slowmotion; 1.7 全景Panorama 與球面照片Photo Sphere; 1.8 虛擬景深; 1.9 超高解析度Super Res Zoom; 1.10 夜視Night Sight ...


Configs for Nikita's GCam 7.3.018 (v1.6+). Changelog: Google Camera 7.3 for OnePlus 5/5T by Nikita (nickpl13) v1.5. Based ...